Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Welcome to my blog!! I am so glad you found me!

A little about myself ... I married my high school sweet heart and we have a mischievous and sweet 3 year old boy. I love them both to pieces!

I have always been very creative and love to paint, draw, create, and just let my imagination show in my work. I also LOVE to read and one of my favorite authors is Phillippa Gregory. She has a new book coming out soon and I can not wait to get my hands on it!

My husband and I have been married for 6 1/2 years and started collecting hand-me-down furniture from the beginning. We had NOTHING to make our first apartment look lived in so we were very grateful to those who helped us out by donating their unwanted, un-matching furniture. Our living space has looked odd since. I don't mind though. I can see what these pieces can be and have just recently started giving them "face-lifts". I am super excited to have readers to follow along on my artful journey! Also, excited to start having matching furniture! HAHAHA!!

Debi :)

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