Monday, October 28, 2013

Halloween and the Evil Minion!!

I know I have not posted any furniture updates in a very long time... that is what happens when you don't have a garage or outdoor space to work in at the moment... But I just finished my son's Halloween costume and wanted to share!

I have ALWAYS wanted to be the "cool mom" who makes her kids costumes and such each year. I even try to make awesome birthdays cakes, too. ;)

His first birthday party was Toy Story theme. Hamm was his smash cake!

The first couple years, I always ended up with a store bought costume. 
My son has major medical issues and the first 2 years, he was in the ICU for surgeries and other illnesses.

This was his first halloween... He was a pony! :)

His second Halloween he actually had 2 costumes! Spiderman and Woody! The ICU staff all dressed as Toy Story characters and Noah was Woody!

For some reason that I do not remember, he did not dress up for his third Halloween.. So, I do not have any cute photos. :/

BUT, last year I made his costume for the first time!! 
He was Superman!!!!! 

I made the cape, and Superman patch.
 Spray painted a pair of pink snow boots! ;)
 He was, once again, admitted in the ICE at the time. But this was the first time he was healthy enough to participate in the hospital's trick-or-treat.
 My little super hero watching over Milwaukee!! ;)

So, now we are about to celebrate his 5th Halloween.
Thankfully, he is still home!! Praying he STAYS home!

Noah is ALL about Despicable Me! For his birthday this year, his aunt rented out the movie theatre for family and friends to watch DM2! SO MUCH FUN!!!

I got very creative for his costume this year... I LOVED the purple minions and thought he should be one!!

I looked everywhere for a plain purple hoodie that wasn't girly... NO WHERE to be found!
SO.. Instead, I came up with my own pattern and made one myself!!

 It is all finished!! I will post photos of him in it after Thursday!!